
The Atmospheric Physics Laboratory of the Department of Physics of the University of Patras (EFAPP) was founded in 1968. Today it is active in research in the following areas:
- Collection, quality control and methods of processing meteorological and environmental time series.
- Isotopic composition of rain and water vapor.
- Solar and ultraviolet radiation.
- Improvement of parameterization in mathematical weather forecasting standards.
- Homogenization of meteorological parameters for climatic applications.
Today IAP has become a comprehensive atmospheric research-intensive institution comprising 11 research laboratories, which consists of 2 State Key Laboratories; 3 CAS Key Laboratories, 3 international joint research centers; 1 CAS Research Center: Climate Change Research Center (CCRC); 1 Sub-Center of CAS; and 1 IAP supported research laboratory. All these laboratories are characterized by the features of covering multi-subjects, equipped with advanced basic research facilities, and a gathering of talented individuals who have made great achievements.

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